Never in my life have these three words become so profoundly the foundation of my very existence.
1Corinthians 13:13 says, "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love." But the greatest of these is love."
Though I have felt and believed in these words the correlation of them is another realm all together. I now believe you cannot accomplish anyone of these commands without the others. Let me explain.
Faith is how we tell God, we believe in not only Him, but also in Jesus. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life." Faith is leaning on God's words like they are nourishment to your soul. James 2:26 says, "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead." The works James is pertaining to, is our actual walk as we have faith in God's word. So our belief system does not rely on what is necessarily seen, but mostly on what is unseen, and totally on God's word. Without it I do not believe we can have either hope or love. I cannot imagine where else a person would put their faith. I know of nothing that can compare to God. He has never changed, He loves unconditionally, His arms are opened 24 hours a day. He is gracious and kind, He is the beginning and the end. If you travel to the deepest darkest part of you soul, He will meet you there. He has prepared a mansion for you. Look at God's artistry when you travel or look through a book, can you grasp the majesty of how carefully He cares about even the most remote places on earth. If He puts so much care and value on us and our environment, can you even imagine what heaven is like. His concern about every little insignificant detail, every hair on our heads.
Faith is how we obey God, hope is strength to our bones, love cannot be achieved without it. I must admit I am still working on the love part, so, "fake it to you make it". Whatever you gotta do. I didn't even know what love was until I pressed into God's word. Love is so different to so many people. It is used and abused I don't even think is recognizable in today's society. But when you press in to God's word, where the truth lies, you will not be able to except the watered down version anymore. I will caution you to be prepared because once you know the truth you can never go back. You no longer go on an escapade searching for love because you will be love.
Now I can say, yes the greatest is love. Faith literally moves the hand of God. Without faith God will not move. So when you have faith then there is real hope, with real hope you can move forward to not only receive God's love for you, but you have the ability to love others, the joy you are feeling is God's love. Until next time!!